By Tony Harriman •
Have you ever tried to imagine a world without light,
the kind of light that is visible to the eyes? I’m not talking about
outdoor stumbling around on a moonless night, or the kind of low
light we enjoy on one of those romantic midnight strolls we take on
the beach. I’m talking about the kind of absence of light that you
might find in the deep recesses of a cave, or way, way underground. I
read somewhere that constant exposure to that kind of darkness will
cause blindness within fifteen days — permanent blindness.
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There are many creatures on
our planet which navigate without the use of eyes; they have access to
an array of senses which in some aspects provides information which
is more accurate than that provided by sight. Most human beings enjoy
and are limited to five measurable senses, and beyond that, modern
science can say very little about much else, ie: the GPS capabilities
of the backyard sparrow or honey bee, or the ultrasound equipment
installed in the nervous system of any of the members of the porpoise
family, or, for that matter, the electrical-sensing array of the
average shark. We see these wonders being played out, but we really
have no conclusive explanation for what’s happening.
Beyond the information being
provided by this seemingly limitless supply of “tastebuds” is the
incredibly complex software running inside each creature’s mind which
not only directs the information to all the right places, but also
performs the function of interpreting the bits and bytes into usable
But let’s stick with light for a moment or two more.
The best available device for
tracking light can be found in the not-so-humble police vehicle. Many
speed-measuring devices use technology which observes
well-established rules laid out in what’s known as the Doppler Effect.
Simply put, different colors of light travelling, reflecting and
returning off of moving solid objects travel at certain speeds and can
be measured. That’s why the officer can inform you that “You were
doing 55 in a 35 — sign here. Have a nice day.”
Let’s step off of the known and into the realm of thinking-it-through.
There appear to be versions of
light that presently we have no gauge for; no pressure sensor; no
barometer; no meter, or whatever else we use to measure the things we
The Bible often uses the
concept of light when referring to things that are just a little out
of our reach; things that belong more in the realm of thought than in
soil. “God is light,” says John. An “angel of light,” mentions Paul.
An angel “with a flaming sword” of light, observes the writer of
The first mention of light
that we have to think through shows up on the very first day of
creation: “Let there be light,” commands the Lord, “and there was
light.” (Genesis 1:3). This light appears to be of a different nature
than that which we are used to, because the sun and the moon
(generally thought to be the origin and reflecter of free usable light on
the planet) don’t appear until three days later in the creation week
(verses 14 thru 19).
But light is not dependent on
just a sun for its being. Light can be caused by many things, known,
and obviously, unknown. For instance, friction or pressure can cause
light. Fireflies produce light by internally mixing chemical
compounds. I remember the first time in school I saw light produced
in a test tube; the teacher gave each member of my class a little of
two different chemicals. I could’ve stayed in the lab for the rest of
the week just watching this phenomenon repeated as we one by one
mixed the chemicals and created light. I wish I could remember what the chemicals were; I'll look it up later.
The expression, “God is
light,” appears to me to be much broader than the Apostle John
understood. Are we to believe that God is restricted to the
properties and boundaries of light? Heaven forbid, surely. Light has
limits; God has none. If God were living in the center of our
galaxy and had to rely on the fastest known form of travel, namely, the
speed of light, to get around, it would take Him 30,000 years to take a
journey from His house to ours. Based on our current understanding
of the properties of light, if an angel were sent from the throne of
God (at the center of our galaxy) to deliver a message to someone in the center of a
neighboring galaxy, it would take somewhere close to half a million
years before the message arrived. Well, you can see how interesting
THAT would make things.
I don’t personally believe
that the speed of a traveling angel is restricted to that of light,
which is currently estimated at an average of 186,000 miles per
second. And if an angel, traveling at speeds beyond our current
comprehension, had to rely on eyes like ours with which to navigate,
eyes which are equipped to be light receptors, it seems that there
would be constant collisions since no angel would be able to “see”
anyone else coming. The thought seems silly, and far out of the realm
of order that I believe God lives in.
It’s not necessary to have
eyes to respond or react to light; plants do it every day, as do
worms when unearthed in the daytime, as well as does your favorite red
sweater, which you accidentally left lying in the sun and now has a
very visible faded area, the color carried off by the bright light in
some mysterious fashion.
There is a curious observation
which might be noticed from how the properties of an event are
transmitted. What I mean is this: when you’re on the sideline of any
sporting event, the action and the sound made by that action are more
or less simultaneous to the eye and ear, but the further you get away
from the action the more you notice that the sound and the sight are
not traveling at the same speed. Way off down the field the player
kicks the ball, but the sound of that kick doesn’t arrive in your ears
until a second or so later. TV stations showing a live event have to
take this phenomenon into account, and the picture signal has to be
slowed down so that it corresponds with the sound arriving in your TV. Broadcasting
equipment has a built-in feature that permits manual manipulation of the
sound and vision. At the time of this writing I’m sitting outside
enjoying a thunderstorm, and this effect of sound and light is being
demonstrated very nicely; the lightning flashes, then a few seconds
later the thunder rolls. We take this phenomenon so much for granted
that I’m sure we’re missing a very grand lesson which God has laid
before us. He could have made sound waves and light waves to match each
other perfectly. But, for reasons I’m sure we will one day
thoroughly enjoy, He didn’t. Even the colors across the incredibly
broad spectrum travel at different speeds. Fascinating.
Light is the highest form of
energy that a human being has the ability to knowingly sense and
measure. Modern science dictates that nothing travels faster than
light, and scientists have no time for anything beyond that which they
can see, calculate and predict; by predict, I mean as in an
experiment which may be repeated with predictable results. Beyond
this realm of what you and I call “normal” is where I believe God
lives and moves and has His being. This is the realm of the Spirit,
for which there is currently no scientific measuring device. We don’t
even know how to explain it, but just like the wind, we clearly see its
effects; most notably, perhaps, in the changing of lives which were
once embroiled in hopelessness.
One last look at light: if
there were nothing for light to shine upon and reflect off of, we
wouldn’t even know the light was there; it would just be constantly
passing through unannounced and undetected on its way through the
And as a closing thought, if
you or I should one day come up with an idea which satisfies our
curiosity about what God is like and how He operates, the chances are
that the reality couldn’t be further from the truth, or ANY TRUTH we might concoct for ourselves. If God IS light, it is a light with
which we are presently unfamiliar, which could be part of the reason we
are unable to see Him with our eyes. And for sure, a Being Who can
create light surely is not restricted by the works of His own hands —
right? Such an order of things would make some actions impossible for
God — and THAT would make no sense at all.
Just my take on it ….
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